Associazione PIIU
Promozione dell’Innovazione fra Industria e UniversitÃ
Ongoing projects
Trials Supported By Smart Networks Beyond 5G

European level 6G Flagship project
Field trials beyond 5G
5G Media HUB
5G experimentation environment for 3rd party media services
Accelerating the testing and validation of innovative 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps
European 5G validation platform for extensive trials
Creating the foundations for a pervasive roll-out of 5G end-to-end networks in Europe.
Mobile Continuous Connected Comprehensive Care
Healthcare of the 21st century. An integrated Platform for record, synch and share data to access health and lifestyle information in mobility.
Smart Health 2.0
Biotech Research and Development in the Health System
5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European unioN
Addressing the needs of road safety and autonomous driving.
Sustainable pan-European federation of Future Internet test infrastructures
Establishing a unique marketplace for innovative European players through the creation of a sustainable pan-European open federation of test infrastructures.
Innovation across borders
5G Solutions for European Citizens
Development and global deployment of applications for Future Internet
Conducting advanced field trials of innovative and thematically diverse digital services that require 5G capabilities and performance in the vertical domains of Factories of the Future, Smart Energy, Smart Cities, Smart Ports and Media & Entertainment.
Building an open sustainable ecosystem around public, royalty-free and implementation-driven software platform standards to ease the development of new Smart Applications in multiple sectors.
PLATform for INnOvative services in future internet
Innovation across borders. Raising the productivity and competitiveness of European businesses through technology.
Unified platform delivering heterogeneous services and contents, able to guarantee the quality of service and to measure and maximize the customer Quality of Experience.
The most important project of Research and Development in the Health System aimed to innovation through ICT.